Free Verse


Her hair is short and nappy
She didn't stop to think her
Sexuality would be in question
If she walked down the street
Wearing Donatella Versace with
Hair long and flowing she’d be called sexy
Reverse that with short hair and now eyebrows
Are raised when she appears
People don’t understand it’s only hair
Short, long, straight or kinky
It doesn't define the person
It’s only an external extension
How she wears her hair isn’t to raise questions
It’s her choice that’s suits her well
Accept it; whisper your concerns question her sexuality
But remember that old adage, don’t judge a book by
Its cover


I hear the longing in your voice
The wistful way memories navigate from
Your lips
In hopes to resurrect some emotion
That is now long dead
Penitent actions originated too late
Apologies you don’t think you owe
Or are deserved
Atonement for causing cataclysmic destruction
You give with a shrug to you it was
No harm no fowl
All is forgiven in your one-sided lie
All reminiscences buried in the sea of tears
Every reflection is shatter with a stone
You reach out your hand
I only stare
Now you want to be my shelter
Too late the storms came tore my world down
In the aftermath I was left still standing
The longing you hear in my voice
Is only for you to vanish just as the fog rolls
Back out to sea and evaporates


Vulnerable to the cry of lust
Never one to stay the course
Giving in to carnal needs
Bind the heart of desire
Blood pumps feverishly to
Compensate for a hunger
Screaming to find its fulfillment
Never mind the consequence
Exhausted dreams of grandeur
Chasing a dragon that doesn’t
Want to be caught
In the end lascivious rapture
Is all that counts

Junes Tears

Little drops from heaven
Each one a remembrance
Of a day the light in my life suddenly vanished
And here I sit now reflecting on a time
I felt would never heal a time when my tears
Were my bed and the questions in my head
Kept asking why my light had to go away
Barely a beginning didn’t have the chance
To grasp the meaning of tomorrow when he was
Fighting for today
The tears fall with each remembrance
A heart breaks with each reflection
My pain so ingrained in my being I didn’t
Believe I’d ever breathe again
Still I existed to be the fortress for visitors
Who saw what they wanted a soul strong and unbending
But inside part of me was lost and in the shadows my
Tears were my ghosts as my pain never let me forget
June tears would always be commemoration of the day
My light was no more